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85% of global markets recovered RevPAR last year

Analysis by Eddie Yeung

Note: All financial figures presented in US$.

STR's global “bubble chart” update for 2023 shows 85% of markets with revenue per available room (RevPAR) higher than 2019. In terms of top-line performance, that means most markets have recovered from the significant declines caused by the pandemic.

Among countries with 50,000 rooms and adequate hotel reporting levels, Singapore, France, Switzerland, Ireland, and Greece led in RevPAR on an actual basis. Most of the above countries maintained relatively high levels in both average daily rate (ADR) and occupancy throughout the year.

Ireland led all countries in the 50,000 rooms grouping with an annual occupancy level of 80%. The United Kingdom ranked second at 78%. France recorded the highest ADR at $277, while Switzerland was second at $260.

end of the year hotel performance 2023 - global

Like markets, most countries have recovered RevPAR to 2019, with 41 of 48 in the 50,000 rooms group reporting higher 2023 RevPAR than 2019. The top five countries for annual RevPAR growth compared to 2019 were Brazil, Greece, Colombia, Italy, and Ireland.

The story of ADR-driven RevPAR growth continued in 2023, with only 12 countries seeing occupancy gains compared to 46 countries experiencing higher ADR. The top two countries for occupancy growth were Colombia and Saudi Arabia, at +6% and +5%, respectively.

Nonetheless, there are still six countries where RevPAR levels lag 2019—China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland.

China, the country with the largest room supply, reported RevPAR behind 2019 by 3%, while Vietnam showed the worst decline of 23%.

end of the year hotel performance 2023 - global

While RevPAR growth in most parts of the world has been led by rate gains, with inflation a contributing factor, it is worth highlighting which markets around the world gained in occupancy versus 2019. Overall, roughly 37% of markets gained in occupancy.

Excluding provincial areas and country markets, the top five performers in occupancy were Chongqing, Sanya, Rio de Janeiro, Calgary, and Bogota. These markets experienced occupancy gains ranging from 8% to 14% in 2023. Domestic travelers seem to be driving growth among these markets as the above markets are not main international traveler destinations. For example, Sanya and Chongqing benefited greatly from China's growing domestic travel appetite.

With the pandemic impact now in the past for much of the world, the focus for global bubble chart updates moving forward will be year-over-year comparisons.

end of the year hotel performance 2023 - global