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Africa hotel performance update

We previously analyzed the pandemic impact on the hotel development pipeline in Africa. Next, we dig further into the region with a look at performance recovery.  

Occupancy timeline

Africa’s destinations have been some of the hardest hit in terms of hotel occupancy. The region closed 2020 with weekly occupancy trending between 20%-25%, and more recently during the week ending 7 February, occupancy was still at just 24.8%. When compared with other key regions, only Europe (21.4%) reported lower occupancy for that opening week of February. 

African hotel occupancy Feb 2020

Key markets

Seychelles’ 44% occupancy level was the highest in the region in 2020 followed closely by Lagos (42%). 

The markets most dependent on international demand have to no surprise been the most impacted. 

Marrakech posted the lowest 2020 occupancy level (19%) as all North Africa destinations came in below 30%. Destinations within the Mediterranean saw occupancy decreases worse than 50%. 

Key markets in South Africa also posted occupancy levels below 40%. With a 34% occupancy level, Cape Town saw the highest occupancy in the market in 2020 while Johannesburg occupancy came in at just 25%.

North Africa international gateway cities are hardest hit


Africa is not recovering in the same way as other key regions around the world. The markets reliant on international travel and group business face immediate challenges, while domestic demand is the only avenue to push performance in each country.

For further information, watch our latest Middle East and Africa webinar here.

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