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COVID-19 webinar summary: 5 key points on France hotel performance, 3 December

Knowing you might not have time to watch our full webinars, we are pleased to continue our series of COVID-19 webinar summaries. In this latest edition, we talk performance in France.

Much brighter picture

While vaccination rates have improved since the beginning of the year, it wasn’t until the third quarter that main cities in France started to see signs of recovery.

Over the last three months, cities in the country approached their 2019 comparables with Marseille, Lyon and Nantes recovering more than 90% of 2019 occupancy levels.

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Paris: ADR recovery

Driven mainly by Luxury hotels, Paris posted ADR of EUR291.16 for the week ending with 21 November. For comparison, Île-de-France, Pari’s region, showed an ADR of EUR114.33.

While looking at the capital’s submarkets, Champs-Élysées’ ADR (EUR595.01) posted the highest ADR when looking at the same week. On the other side of the spectrum, Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport ADR of EUR101.41 was the lowest.

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Weekdays, hello old friend

Although “conference season” didn’t approach 2019 highs, weekday ADR in France’s key markets continues to climb week over week.

For the week ending with 14 November, weekday ADR in Paris was 117.1% of 2019 levels. For comparison, during that same week, Lyon area recovered 96.2% of the 2019 comparable.

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But…what about weekends?

Weekend ADR has also strongly improved in recent months. For the week ending with 14 November, Paris and Lyon posted ADR levels that were 126.2% and 109.4% of their 2019 comparables, respectively.

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A brighter future for Paris

As we slowly approach Christmas, Europe’s markets are showing an increase in bookings, according to STR’s Forward STAR. Paris showed the highest occupancy on the books for the next 90 days as of 22 November. As of that update, market’s occupancy on the books was at almost 70% for the end of November and 65% for the end of December. However, booking windows remains short due to ongoing travel restrictions and restriction changes in each country.

Occupancy-on-the-books intelligence will help us all understand recovery and provide much-needed context. Those insights can be accessed for free when you submit your data. If you are interested, please email

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