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Hotel Operating Expenses Checklist

Tracking hotel operating expenses is vital in understanding your property's financial performance and better managing costs, which is part of the equation for increasing your profit margins. Given that gross operating profit is calculated by subtracting total operating expenses from total operating revenues, minimizing expenses and maximizing revenue is the obvious approach to boosting profits.

Hotel operating costs are those required to keep your hotel running, with examples like food and beverage expenses, commissions, and utility costs. These expenses are found within all operating departments, which include rooms, sales & marketing, and property operations, to name a few.

P&L Operating Expenses Checklist

The importance of completing your operating expenses checklist

When benchmarking with STR, the more information you provide in your P&L statement, the greater insights you will discover. Ultimately, this could be the key to identifying where costs can be reduced and revenue maximized.

In doing so, you will be able to compare a breakdown of these items on ratio-to-sales, per-available-room, and per-occupied-room night bases, for both your hotel and competition. This offers the opportunity to discover how your costs compare to your competitive set and determine possible cost savings.

In addition to top-line historical metrics and forward-looking data, profitability is a key data feature of STR’s benchmarking solution. Click here to learn more.

Download the full Hotel Operating Expenses Checklist